Source: Independence Rehab
Comfort | Anticipate Needs | Reposition | Elimination
- Ensure resident is comfortable.
- Are they in pain (verbalizing, grimacing with movement, etc.)?
- Notify appropriate person to assist resident with any comfort needs (cold pack, meds, etc.).
- Ensure personal items are within the resident’s reach: call light; water as appropriate; bedside table; urinal; telephone; remote; tissue; and trash.
- Ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
- Is the resident safely sitting in a chair or lying in bed?
- Help the resident reposition as needed.
- Float heels as appropriate.
- Does the resident need to use the restroom?
- Offer assistance to resident to use the restroom.
- Provide peri-care as needed to ensure resident is clean and dry which protects skin and reduces the risk of infection.